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Monday, August 13, 2018

MONTAÑITA - Paradise of the Surf, Parties and Beautiful People

Have you ever been to Montañita? ....if not,  then ...What are you waiting for?

   MONTAÑITA is a humble commune located at the southwest of Ecuador. To be exact, it is found in Santa Elena province. Montañita is two and a half hours from Guayaquil. There, you can take a bus in the traffic center. Once there, you have to look for the bus that go directly to Montañita. They are called Libertad Peninsular, and their office is at the first floor.
   During the travelling you are going to have a cool sight. And nearly after an hour, you will see the ocean next to the road. It's amazing! ,and it is almost impossible to leave seeing it.
    Montañita is well Known for the surf and its nightlife. There are lots of places to rest, relax and have fun. The food is too delicious, and there is a great variety of seafood restaurants, pubs, and hotels.  During the day you will find some hippies selling handcraft, others juggling, singing in groups or playing any instrument outdoor. On the beach you will see so many beautiful people who come from different parts, especially from Peru, Chile, Argentina, Europe and The United States.
At night, Montañita turns into a craziness. There are parties almost every night. Some bars offer live music shows. Besides, there exist a street called " the cocktails street".....Why that name?   Well, it's because there are some booths which offer to the tourists the best cocktails made in Ecuador, and of course very cheap.
   Montañita, is a very popular place in Ecuador, and it's very visited by foreigners, especially in February, March and December. If you go to Montañita, try its cocktails. they're the best. And remember "what happens in Montañita stays in Montañita".

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Thursday, August 9, 2018




This word is so very very powerful because it has a profound content on it. It means that you must agree with certain things that even you disagree, but for that, it is required maturity. This teaches us how to understand others and find a solution to any problem. That's why accepting reality change our way of thinking and the way how we see things.

   I think that accepting oneself is the most difficul part during the process between adolescence and  youth. During this period of time; a person can face internal struggles either physical or emotional.
But nothing lasts forever, because despite of having problems. There is always any solution to solve them.

   Acceptance requires not only accept reality but also laugh, cry and even make fun of oneself. Once we have understood the truly meaning of the word "ACCEPT". Things are getting better, and all the issues, fears, and obstacles are going to be overcame, and it is just in that accurate moment that Acceptance turns into Maturity. Which let us discover new things, and will give us the opportunity to see life with an open heart and mind in order to discuss any question with real arguments.

   If we want to understand the different people's situations. We need to understand ourselves first, and then we could go ahead and face the world.


   Begining to be an authentic person requires you to live with no worries about past and future. Authenticity let you find only one direction "HAPPINESS" and "LIBERTY", but it is not easy to find it until you accept the reality....But,  What is reality? good question, right? ............

   Reality is the hardest and cruelest thing in life which is "SADNESS" and "OPPRESSION". However, not everything is bad. Once you have learnt to control your emotional intelligence. It is just in that moment when you start being authentic.

   Now, your life makes sense and everything looks different. Since then "You are Who you want to be". You are your own thoughts, strengths, weaknesses and mistakes. You are you and nobody in this entire world is like you. There is no other like you and never there would be.

   Once, that you realize how stuff are, and accept reality. People cannot manipulate you anymore because you have personality and character. Being Authentic let you find hidden emotions in the deepest of your being, and also will help you discover new ways to face your fears.

   The way how you feel improve your mood. Looking for new experiences are a good reason to  reaffirm your confidence, safety and motivation. To express dislikes in front of persons do not make you a misbehaved human being, but that makes you an honest and a humble person.

   People should care about their bussiness, then do not give any explanation to someone to whom you don't owe anything.




Where am I from?

I am from the paradise, from gold and banana.
I am from the place where the children scream and the chilalo bird sings every morning.
I am from the yellow flowers of my mother's garden, from their smelling which reminds me to her.
I am from Carnival and Christmas, from my father and my mother's love.
I am from the street and the penuries.
I am from the noise of cars and Jambeli island.
I am from a beautiful family who believes in GOD.
I am from the Banana Republic of the World, where the "ceviche" and "tigrillo" are served.
I am from the smelling of coffee and the beauty of women.
I am from one of the most beautiful places in the world, the place where my love is, and the place where I belong to.
That place is Ecuador, my home.

ECUADOR and its four worlds

   Maybe, you have asked yourself. Why people call Ecuador like that? .....Well, It is because of this beautiful country has four regions: Coast, Andes, Amazon and Galapagos Islands.
   In the coast region, people can enjoy of its gorgeous shores and beaches surrounded by wild nature and roads all along the coast. Some famous and important places to visit in the coast region are: Canoa, Los Frailes, Montañita, Salinas, Puerto Cayo, Puerto Lopez, Olon, and so forth. The attractions are many, and the food is an exquisitiness.
   In the Andes region, tourists can appreciate the most amazing landscapes never seen before, and the most exciting and surprising thing is that you can be in the coast a certain time, and in the Andes in a jiffy. It takes from three to four hours to drive from one region to another....That's Amazing!   Everything so close!
   The Amazon is the most exotic region af all... Why? ...,Well, it is because you can observe lots of flora and fauna in here. Besides, there exist different types of tribes who live in virgin zones. Tribes who have their own custom, traditions and clothing.
   Finally, are the Galapagos Islands which are a heritage and a precious treasure of humaniy. There, as much native as foreigners, enjoy the wonders that GALAPAGOS offer to the world.

 Ecuador with its magnificent capital Quito, has a lot of interesting, exciting and fascinating things to show to the rest of the planet. Located in the middle of the world, Quito is one of the most visited cities in Ecuador and South America.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

How to speak English in a basic way?

   If you want to learn how to speak English in a basic way and you do not how to do it, do not worry anymore because I have got the incredible and easy solution for you to talk to others.
   First of all, you should consider the next points to see and carry on with them fully, in order to start and maintain a short, but clear conversation. Then, let us move on with this process.
1. To start with this magnificient lesson, the first thing to do is learning the verbs. They could be regular or irregular. There are a lot of verbs, but it is likely you learn just a few of them.
   Well, in this case, the most recommendable thing to do is to choose the fifty first verbs that best for you.
2. After having selected the most relevant verbs, it is time to use: have to, need to, want to, and try to combine them with the verbs you had selected before, in order to create a simple but significantly way of communicating.
3. Once, learnt all the possible combinations, the next thing to do is to use connectors like: because, and, but, and so forth. This, will help you to give a reason to your whys.
4. And, the last but not least important thing is that "the more you practice the more you learn".
   Here, are some examples of speaking English in a basic, fun and easy way.

a. I have to work, because I need some money.
b. I want to travel all around the world, and visit lots of touristic places.
c. Mr. Smith needs to spend time with his family, so he has decided to take a vacation.

The ease or complexity of way speaking to others just depends on you. It is up to you to increase your vocabulary and look for new words every day. It just takes a few minutes to do so. Then, What are you waiting for?